Lesson 09 退换货

    lesson 09 退换货
    getting a refund and exchange
    01 what is your refund policy?
    词组释义 refund policy 退货规定, 退款政策
    02 do you want a refund or an exchange?
    do you want to have your money back or exchange the product?
    03 i want to change for a new one.
    词组释义 change for 交换
    04 customers who are not satisfied with the goods can return it and get a full refund.
    词组释义 a full refund 全额退款,全额偿还
    05 can you tell me why you ask for a return?
    can i have the reason of your return? / may i ask the reason for the return?
    06 we claim the return of goods in view of the inferior quality.
    claim [kle?m] vt. vi. 要求 inferior [?n?f??r??(r)] adj. 低劣的,下等的
    07 please arrange for the dispatch of replacements as soon as possible,since we are in urgent need of these materials.
    dispatch [d?'sp?t?] n. 发送,快速办理 material [m??t??r??l] n. 原料,材料
    08 we promise that there will of course be no charge for the replacement.
    单词释义 charge [t?ɑ:d?] n. 费用,要价,收费
    09 could i ask for a return or exchange of the goods if they were defective?
    单词释义 defective [d?'fekt?v] adj. 有瑕疵的,有缺陷的
    10 we would investigate every particular case of refund or exchange.
    单词释义 investigate [?n?vest?ge?t] vt. vi. 调查,审查

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