海棠文学 > 精品其他 > Poems and Songs of Robert Burns > Jockeys Taen The Parting Kiss

Jockeys Taen The Parting Kiss

    jockey's taen the parting kiss
    air—“bonie lass tak a man.”
    jockey's taen the parting kiss,
    o'er the mountains he is gane,
    and with him is a' my bliss,
    nought but griefs with me remain,
    spare my love, ye winds that blaw,
    plashy sleets and beating rain!
    spare my love, thou feath'ry snaw,
    drifting o'er the frozen plain!
    when the shades of evening creep
    o'er the day's fair, gladsome e'e,
    sound and safely may he sleep,
    sweetly blythe his waukening be.
    he will think on her he loves,
    fondly he'll repeat her name;
    for where'er he distant roves,
    jockey's heart is still the same.

新书推荐: 在恐怖游戏里被疯狂觊觎(np) 羞辱对象是恋爱脑(系统) 坏女人贯彻始终 霸榜不下 快穿之天师逆袭 细说红尘 在狗血文里做返聘老师[快穿] 漂亮npc是小可怜[快穿] 我开出租不拉客,只拉女鬼和模特 我不信我比不上他