海棠文学 > 精品其他 > Poems and Songs of Robert Burns > Heron Election Ballad, No. IV.

Heron Election Ballad, No. IV.

    heron election ballad, no. iv.
    the trogger.
    tune—“buy broom besoms.”
    wha will buy my troggin, fine election ware,
    broken trade o' broughton, a' in high repair?
    chorus—buy braw troggin frae the banks o' dee;
    wha wants troggin let him come to me.
    there's a noble earl's fame and high renown,
    for an auld sang—it's thought the gudes were stown—
    buy braw troggin, c.
    here's the worth o' broughton in a needle's e'e;
    here's a reputation tint by balmaghie.
    buy braw troggin, c.
    here's its stuff and lining, cardoness' head,
    fine for a soger, a' the wale o' lead.
    buy braw troggin, c.
    here's a little wadset, buittle's scrap o' truth,
    pawn'd in a gin-shop, quenching holy drouth.
    buy braw troggin, c.
    here's an honest conscience might a prince adorn;
    frae the downs o' tinwald, so was never worn.
    buy braw troggin, c.
    here's armorial bearings frae the manse o' urr;
    the crest, a sour crab-apple, rotten at the core.
    buy braw troggin, c.
    here's the worth and wisdom collieston can boast;
    by a thievish midge they had been nearly lost.
    buy braw troggin, c.
    here is satan's picture, like a bizzard gled,
    pouncing poor redcastle, sprawlin' like a taed.
    buy braw troggin, c.
    here's the font where douglas stane and mortar names;
    lately used at caily christening murray's crimes.
    buy braw troggin, c.
    here is murray's fragments o' the ten commands;
    gifted by black jock to get them aff his hands.
    buy braw troggin, c.
    saw ye e'er sic troggin? if to buy ye're slack,
    hornie's turnin chapman—he'll buy a' the pack.
    buy braw troggin, c.

新书推荐: 蛮荒大商人:赚点贝晶养崽崽 结婚两年,军官丈夫按耐不住了 火速退婚:她被前任小舅全球通缉 带武器库穿70,被泥腿子宠上天 穿成影帝养的狗后我红透娱乐圈 菜鸟归来,末世也飞翔 被抄家流放,她要搬空皇帝的一切 重生嫁疯批太子爷,让渣男火葬场 女扮男装死后,她开始演柔弱绿茶 i人医生,e人患者