海棠文学 > 精品其他 > Poems and Songs of Robert Burns > A Health To Ane I Loe Dear

A Health To Ane I Loe Dear

    a health to ane i loe dear
    chorus—here's a health to ane i loe dear,
    here's a health to ane i loe dear;
    thou art sweet as the smile when fond lovers meet,
    and soft as their parting tear—jessy.
    altho' thou maun never be mine,
    altho' even hope is denied;
    'tis sweeter for thee despairing,
    than ought in the world beside—jessy.
    here's a health, c.
    i mourn thro' the gay, gaudy day,
    as hopeless i muse on thy charms;
    but welcome the dream o' sweet slumber,
    for then i am lockt in thine arms—jessy.
    here's a health, c.
    i guess by the dear angel smile,
    i guess by the love-rolling e'e;
    but why urge the tender confession,
    'gainst fortune's fell, cruel decree?—jessy.
    here's a health, c.

新书推荐: 蛮荒大商人:赚点贝晶养崽崽 结婚两年,军官丈夫按耐不住了 火速退婚:她被前任小舅全球通缉 带武器库穿70,被泥腿子宠上天 穿成影帝养的狗后我红透娱乐圈 菜鸟归来,末世也飞翔 被抄家流放,她要搬空皇帝的一切 重生嫁疯批太子爷,让渣男火葬场 女扮男装死后,她开始演柔弱绿茶 i人医生,e人患者